People all around the world, getting into a romantic situation, feel an unconscious need to kiss each other. It is a feeling that members of the opposite sex are programmed to kiss and just waiting for this.
Kissers: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases
Do you want to be kissed? Then the best way to make you more desirable is to take care of your breath. Brush your teeth; use a mouthwash, despite the fact that it is effective only for an hour. And most importantly is to clean your tongue. This kills the bacteria that has accumulated and refreshing it, making your breath clean and pleasant.
Kissing People in the Sea |
It happens that after kissing a woman says: "You are great kisser!" Sometimes, she just moans and looks like in a dream. Women can play a lot, but what she feels when she is kissed can not be hidden.
What to do if you feel that you are not a good kisser. Find out ten signs that you need to develop your kissing skill:
- When you prepare to kiss your girl, she looks frightened.
- During the kiss, she closes her mouth.
- After the kiss, she is all in your saliva.
- During the kiss, she never laughs, no groans, no rocks, does not lose control over herself.
- She looks as if she was reading a boring newspaper while you were kissing her.
- She does not respond to your kisses, giving you the initiative.
- After the kiss, she excitedly asks if you've seen the last news release.
- She is distracted.
- She falls asleep.
Ways to improve your kissing skills. The easiest way is a lot of practice. Practice the same way as you do other things, for example, playing soccer or the piano. Practicing in kisses, you will not only bring it up to skill automatically, but also to figure out what kind of kiss will work in this situation, and what not.
Plug in your imagination. Studies have shown that one of the most effective ways is to scroll the situation in mind. The more senses you invest; the more successful will be the mental rehearsal. Try to imagine how you breathe while you press your warm lips to hers, how you hold her, etc.
Are you considering yourself a shy person? Believe it or not, but the most interesting passionate kiss it with shy people. So do not worry too much about it. On the contrary, it may even be to your advantage. You will feel very special person. Sure, you can deal with your shyness, talking about kissing with friends and watching others kiss in the movie. The more you kiss, the more quickly overcome your shyness. Take your time with kisses. Start with kissing hands or bye kiss. Those kisses you break the ice of mistrust. When you see that your girl responds positively to your actions, you will become bolder.
What about the fear that your girlfriend will not like your kisses? First of all, a kiss - it's a natural action; there is no right or wrong kisses. Remember it well. No one can blame you that you do not know how to kiss.
Nevertheless, there are things you can learn, for example, that what your partner likes. The best way to learn it - tell your girl that for three whole minutes, you will not respond to her kiss. Let her kiss you as she likes the most. While she will do it, watch it and remember what she was doing: she kisses you gently or with force pressed to your lips, how she uses her tongue, how long she kisses.
Then you can turn the roles and tell her that now she does not respond to your kisses. Kiss her as you like. After this you know for sure what pleases most each of you.
Take away the hair from her neck, gently biting or kiss her neck – and she will melt in your arms! |
Another thing that you can learn – be tender. Watch films about love, look at how the actors are kissing. Can they have something to borrow from? You can practice on your own hand. I know it sounds silly, but you can feel your kiss and the lips, on the hand and know that your girlfriend will feel when you kiss her like that.
In addition, you can ask your friends about how they kiss. They will be flattered that you have them asked about this, and they will be willing to share their secrets. However, it is better to ask them to demonstrate the kisses on someone's pictures from the magazine.
How can you regain the thrill of the first kiss? It is practically impossible. That kiss was magic that can not be repeated. So just enjoy what you are together. Serenity that comes with long-term relationship - it is a sign of mature love. After several years spent together, the excitement is reduced. It is true love. It's more relaxed feeling than the one that you felt at the beginning of your relationship. Some people are always in search of original romantic excitement that they felt at the beginning and look for new partners all the time.
After lasting relationships kisses become less intense. When partners become accustomed to each other, there is no more strong excitation. This thing is happening to everyone. But sometimes it is very difficult to reconcile with the fact that part of your love is forever lost. If you want to once again rekindle fading fire your passion, try to apply some new techniques in your relationship.
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